Memory 2GiB SODIMM DDR3 Synchronous 1600 MHz (0,6 processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3520M CPU 2. In Debian and other Debian-based systems like Ubuntu, PopOS, Linux Mint, we can find the list of all installed Kernels using dpkg command: dpkg -list grep linux-image. Find Installed Linux Kernels in Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, PopOS. Memory 4GiB SODIMM DDR3 Synchronous 1600 MHz (0,6 ns) As you can see, I have only one Linux Kernel in my Arch Linux system and its version is 5.9.14. With easily readable output: Bus info Device Class Description Read the rest of the article to learn it in detail. The fll version is very rich in details, so it is probably best called with hwinfo | moreĪnd, by the way, a convenient condensed form of the info provided by lshw can be obtained by means of sudo lshw -businfo A quick way to check Linux kernel version: You can use the following command to get the Linux kernel version: uname -r There are other ways to get even more detailed information about kernels. Sometimes we might require the information about the Linux system we are running, information like Linux/Distro version, its kernel, release name etc. Which might already provide the info you are searching for.
#Linux show kernel version full

Initially, Linus was the only one working on the project, and this versioning system sufficed the need to document and distribute new kernel releases. This will be appended to the kernel version in the uname -r output for the kernel. When Linus first started developing the kernel, the versioning system used simply consisted of an incrementing variable scheme starting with zero ( 0.x ).

Available on Ubuntu based distributions by default, and Debian in the main repo To check the Linux kernel version on your system, you need to type the following command: uname -srm After running this command, something like this will be shown as an output: linux 4.15.0-54-generic x8664 As you can see above in the output, the Linux kernel version is 4.15.0-54 and works as 64-bit. 1 You should set CONFIGLOCALVERSION in the kernel configuration (under 'General setup -> () Local version - append to kernel release' in the kernel configuration menu).Require HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) to be installed.List available cpus and their caracteristics.It is better to launch then as root (or via sudo) to get all the information. Note that not all commands are available on all distributions. Here is a list of commands to check hardware on Linux.